Transitioning ideas into businesses one client at a time

Monthly Archives: October 2012

This morning was great!  Doug Campbell invited me to the Memphis Teaching/Learning Academy to sit in on his class, Entrepreneurship Economics.  Not only did I learn that Doug is really a wonderful teacher with a gift for explaining complex subjects in a very relatable context, I also learned that there are a number of teachers here in Memphis excited about teaching entrepreneurship in their classrooms.

At the CEI, most of the people we see have lived the dreams of owning their own business for a long time.  My hope is that Doug’s class was really able to open teachers minds to cultivating dreams while students are still in junior or senior high school.

Entrepreneurship is a long journey, where business owners learn a great deal along the way.  I am more than proud of our clients and the transformations they have gone through while chasing their dreams.  Entrepreneurship is about seizing the moment, NOW!  And why can’t that now be when you are 12 or 13 or 16 or 18 years old.  Just ask our client, ten year old Moziah Bridges, CEO of Mo’s Bows!

Statistics tell us that one in four female college students will be raped or assaulted during their college experience.  One such attempted attack motivated Memphian Jonathan Page to do something about it.

Jonathan Page has just launched the Coyote Case through crowdsourcing platform Indiegogo.  If you are lucky enough to be one of the initial 100 investors in his launch, you can secure your very own Coyote Case for $60.00.

Having  daughter who is getting ready to move into New York City, I have an intrinsic understanding of the fear that something can potentially happen to her.  By purchasing the Coyote Case for her, I can breathe a little easier knowing that she has a shield of protection against potential attackers.  There is nothing in this world more important to me than the safety and well-being of my daughter.

The Coyote Case will not only sound an alarm of 120 decibels, it will also send your coordinates to either the local police station if they are blue tooth compatible or to your person of choice.  The Coyote Case empowers a potential victim, and will certainly be a tool that prevents numerous threats and attacks.

It is easy to navigate the Indiegogo platform, and I encourage all of our followers and visitors not only to purchase a Coyote Case, but to share the link with everyone in your life that is important to you.

Take a few minutes and check out the launch video on Indiegogo!